Many people hope and even eager to believe in the existence of fairies in this world. Stunted creatures are also very closely associated with pleasant memories of childhood that they remember back with pleasure as part of a small materialistic world.
However, many of us who consider it only as an illusion is lost. Fortunately this is not for everyone. For I, like others, have seen a variety of fairies as far as I remember, and I still see them every day. With the view I intend to show that the number they are like the trees that are around I am, and try to look objectively.
On the following pages, I intend to make fun creatures are as real as possible for you as I am capable of doing. It is a very good thing if at the beginning I tried to explain why I have intentions to start this business. For one thing, as people born in the east, I have never excluded in every observations about these creatures, because there are many people who actually have seen and very much believe in its existence. For this reason and other reasons, to me there has been their ability to see different to those of the children.
Then, I have had the good fortune to be involved, in this life, among family and friends which includes also has the ability to see and have a long list of trips. Therefore, what I've mentioned here is not an imagination of a child who is isolated. This is an information gathered from various sources and conversations with these creatures in almost all parts of the world in a truly natural, which, however, is a strange thing. One can communicate with these beings as human beings talking to each other - more than that, for these methods (which I will describe briefly) is slightly different, much faster than speech, and in some ways is a more accurate exchange.
This is very important to note these things, every time we see the world from the supernatural point of view, we see a glimpse of a new landscape. Many things that are obstacles for us, does not seem so to them. Life and death, for example, are the things that they all knew about it; for them there is no uncertainty and no incident including pathetic. Humans often hide from life and afraid of the death. Elves actually see the flow of life through all things. We live in a world of form without understanding the life of pressing these forms. For us to lose the form means the end of life, but fairies never fall for things like this. They have a very strong lesson for us and influence.
Why do many people can not see fairies?
Why do many people do not see fairies? They lived in the same world with us, but their bodies are more subtle than we have, even more subtle than the nature of the substance of a tenuous gas. I feel sure there is the veil between them and us are very thin - so thin that every person can very easily make up for all the right lines. The difficulty is to indicate the line and especially to get the other lines to reflect this. Almost certainly, a strong reason for us that can not see them is because of differences in perspective. If so that what I write here can help to change the point of view toward the unseen world, this will help to make more people to see them.
But of course not all people. A special senses should be raised in a person if they intend to see the fairies. Life world of fairies is not captured by our ordinary senses directly. They can not be touched or felt, yet they must be seen. In reality, normal vision can help in seeing them, but little sense of itself and too coarse to catch the light they radiate. However, every person has a hidden talent in him in the form of a more subtle sense than, vision and a number of people - in a surprising number - have to activate it. This is inddera higher vision which is used to see the unseen world of antiques. In addition, every person has a sensor device with a wide range. To feel the touch of solids, kecapan notify us of liquid substances, sense of smell to report on the state of gases. The vision is still more sharply, and the circuit does not end there. There is a special force called clairvoyance vision (clairvoyance) - the ability to see things outside of normal vision. The fact is there is a real physical basis for clairvoyance, and this ability is not a mysterious thing. Power center located in a very small organ in the brain called the pituitary gland. Types of vibrations are affected is very smooth so there is no physical opening required to submit to the pituitary body, but there is a special kepekaaan point located between the two eyes above the bridge of the nose that acts as an external opening of the gland. This feels like if someone was seen from the point above the forehead, felt the same as if someone was looking with one eye, even though we all know that we only see using both eyes. Vision through these sensitive points in a way different from the vision through the sensory organs conventional; without the neural network structure as in regular physical part. But the vision only works after I ordered, and never beyond that. At the time to look into the subtle world where the fairy is, only the concentration required for sight lines, and respond as much sense if both eyes (but in this case with one eye) has been opened.
I said (rather than pretend to be someone who knows a lot about the biology) that have occurred, the animals of human ancestors, a connection to the body and skin pituary to have a section for the output. We currently regarded as the pituitary body scars atropia. But doctors know that these glands are not the remnants of a useless, for confidential from both the agencies themselves who are the invisible part of the blood flow and have some kind of power that affect growth and other functions. Thus the pituitary gland is real and very important for humans. And this gland is necessary in accepting vibrations of a very gentle nature where everything is so fine that we never know.
I hope to make this as clear as possible, but maybe it was the best thing one can do. Perhaps for others this sense is not ready to use by people who have the ability to make it work. Some damage can arise in trying to do ahead of time nature movement, in many cases full of danger. People sometimes try to push themselves to the stage using clairvoyance ability, using potions, or using other means. However, if development is not by nature, clairvoyance is usually dangerous. This therapy does not cause these rights if menjai less obvious than in cases where these powers come naturally.
Adults can still learn to see spirits?
The question arises why adults can not see spirits. I think part of the answer is that no one try after the development of their UP, or even in childhood for that matter, and the essence of these answers are the ones who know that there are spirits that have never tried to see them in the right way.
As far as I know about fairies. I can see them with the naked eye, but I could not close my eyes then and there, like something that is not necessary, and for another thing, when the clairvoyant has brought pandangas spirits in scope, usually look very helpful to observe more details. And many a fairy so close to be seen with ordinary eyes so much easier to learn. Only a short light they radiate or reflexes (for they are a shining light) I do not know, because I am not a physicist, and even I still do not know if I am a physicist, where there is equipment that can be used to learn something which is too subtle?
A friend of the scientist, suggested to see the fairy with or without the use of visual aids glass, by doing some quick tests on the types of influence of light in it. I then did and found that the fairies looked different through the glass, like a tree that looks different. But there may be distortions associated with the effects on the vision of ordinary people. Once again, the fairy look through the glass may seem unusual, but the same difficulties arise here: whether the dim light affects the eyes of ordinary?
I am only one of the children who never knew about the ghost since the last few years, but in my case - owing to my good fortune and perhaps certain advantages - this knowledge has not only been long but has also widened. Readers may know of a case like this; I also have met many children who see and many adults who still remember the days when they have that power. But not many who dare to improve their sensory abilities, because they often feel afraid taken to be weird or odd. Many parents treat their children by placing them in a position to prevent from this problem. Beating because the word lie is not advisable to give them lessons further. This causes the child to feel ashamed of their love experiences.
Furthermore, we must remember that the whole event to see the fairy is a difficult operation. The power to see the conditions needed quiet and peaceful; and then, basically spirits a bit shy like wild creatures of the other and must be tamed to attract attention. Taken together, even under very good conditions, especially around the cities, the business is not easy for the inexperienced. Besides, the majority of unnecessary hostility, or the other, fixed belief that only a real solid materials, and one can begin to realize the problems faced in the vision of children. Fortunately, many parents become aware of in maintaining the creative abilities and senses a higher vision for their children.
During childhood, the relationship between the two kingdoms closer than any other time in life. This is because children are closer to the spirit world from other people. They are naturally happy and spontaneous action, they interact with nature, they are also somewhat responsible, with concerns about food and clothing, and they have an extraordinary ability to find joy, charm, and joy in small things like a pebble or a shell or an empty box. They also have a deep interest in something that young and growing, the curiosity that no bounds of everything around it, does not have an awareness of the tradition of conventional behavior or morality, and love adventures, wearing special clothing, and tales of mystery and imagination . In many ways the children closer to the supernatural in character and their nature. This is why in early childhood gates are often open, and the human and supernatural world really become one.
Although the ghost has been replaced in the children's imagination with fantasies of a more modern, like a creature from outer space, they left a deep memory, instinctive human needs. Taste for friendship and just for their sheer knowledge rooted belief in supernatural beings, loneliness and not visible to most people, still covered in hand - as they are, the genie hands above the thin skin between the two worlds. Voice bell clear voice of their music could almost be heard. Joy and beauty that they embodied above us from every part of the meadow, woods, and gardens. The sky and sea to bring us through the door into their world. On each side there are spirits, and therefore every corner brings love and joy.
If the adult can menanglap back towards the goal of simplicity and the children, although in a small scale, they will think back to the land that had been lost joy which dwarf the human kingdom is, for spirits it is a joy to be a friend to them, always trust, and full of goodness.
A glimpse of a ghost
Elves can live anywhere; a homemade spirits and some are wild, the water spirits that inhabit the rivers, lakes and seas, forests, fields and below the surface that live under the hills. In Victorian times, there is the belief that fairies live tip end of the park. Elves are also considered to be living in trees, and more closely associated with oak trees sacred shrines Druids. Elves do not terlihatdan they do not like their names known and is mentioned. Elves can be filled with deception at the time. Often, people, never knowing when a fairy invisible floating nearby, which will indicate whether they are good people or good neighbors in the hope that maybe the fairies will meet those names!
The fairies are always thought to have a human child, and therefore believed that they would steal a non-Christian, which is not protected by birth, and leave in place a child substitute. Sometimes the child is a replacement piece of wood, carved to resemble a child and decorated with a variety of interesting objects to look like a child who is very much alive. Sometimes it was a fairy child sick, or an old fairy thin. Children who are considered to be a substitute child beaten and left in the open on a fairy hill, burnt, or other physical abuse as an attempt to force parents to return it back to the fairy. Rarely have human parents who treat children with a good substitute, with the hope their child will be treated the same.
While having the ability to do evil, fairies have their own moral code, which they run with fear. They can not try to spy on, and will be punished for breach of privacy in their fairy powers. They also do not tolerate the theft of property fairy, or a low sense of generosity. Peri appreciate everything clean and orderly, and will rebuke those who leave the house in dirty conditions. Elves also denounced the misdeeds and bad character! Remember, you will never realize that the fairies are watching you!
Explanation of the types of Elves
(In alphabetical order, and general description)
1. Asrais - small, soft, fairy boy. It can not be exposed to direct sunlight; otherwise they will merge into the pool water.
2. Banshee - "fairy woman"; is a soul attached to the family-specific kelurga. When a family member dying, the family will hear the banshee crying. Not always terrifying.
3. Bogles - Generally a devil-nature Goblins although they tend to harm done by deceit and murder.
4. Brownies - Most people enjoy being around the house and yard. Friendly and really helpful.
5. Dwarfs - short stout and strong. Reach adulthood at the age of three years and gray beard at the age of seven years. Mentioned that they could not look at the sun, so to see him have to take them to stone. However, there are potions and spells-spells that could make them resistant to sunlight.
6. Dryads - They are the souls who inhabit the trees, especially oaks. Druids used them as a source of inspiration.
7. Elves - Another name from the known fairy army. They are subdivided into Seelie and Unseelie.
8. Fir Darrig - (Fear Deang) Practically a terrible natural clown. They can change his face into anyone he wants.
9. Gnomes - the basic elements of the earth. They live below the soil surface and keep the treasures of the earth. Gnome amazing metal workers, especially for the sword and armor.
10. Goblins - is the name used for the species a bad fairy. He was small and evil, and is usually crowded because it will lose its ability if it acted alone. They are usually controlled by a Mage for evil purposes maksus.
11. Gwragged Annwn - (Gwageth anoon) is a water nymph, who sometimes take human men for husbands and her husband made.
12. Gwyllion - Scottish Water is a ghost. They often appear as a hairy men or hideous female ghost who intercept and misleading the night walkers on the streets of the mountains. Mountain fairy happy to sit on the rock on one side of the mountain path and silently watch the people who menlintas.
13. HobGoblins - usually a name for the strange little creature, but what we call friendly dwarves.
14. Knockers (Buccas) - Spirit of the mining area that is friendly to the miners. They knocked on the many layers of ore metal content.
15. Leprechauns - very clever and cunning and can disappear in a twinkling of an eye. They particularly loved, and was active in the days of Saint Patrick, but any day is good for them.
16. Mer-People-Mermaid - They live in water, but they look like humans from the waist up and has a tail like a fish. They are very interesting, so compelling the fishermen to death. Also called Murdhuacha (muroo-cha) or Merrows.
17. Pixies - often intangible hedgehog. They are evil fairy who loves to play man and the other fairies. They also love to steal horses to ride.
18. Phouka - can be seen in various forms of animals and usually dangerous.
19. Redcap - One of the famous demon of old Border Goblins. He lives in the ruins of the tower or the castles, particularly with a history of crime. He colored his hat in human blood.
20. Shefro - Elf male wearing a green robe and red cap.
21. Sidhe (shee) - The name for the fairies who live below the surface. An old burial mound or small hill that has a door to the underground fairy kingdom beautiful.
22. Sluagh - Spirit curious that his death was unforgivable, or the pagans. It is a great opponent for the fairy plateau. Spriggans - Narrated ugly, strange and stunted in their natural world, but can change the shape of a giant size. Spriggans is a vicious criminal gangs, an expert in stealing, wrecking a swift and dangerous. They can rob the human houses, kidnapping children (and leaving a repulsive baby Spriggan that instead).
23. Trolls - Not like the sun. They often dance section strange ear piece called 'Henking'.
24. Trows - Same with Trolls and like them, anti to the sun. They also perform dances 'Henking'.
25. Urisk - is a fairy who often inhabit remote ponds quiet. He would often show up in human groups, but the emergence of a strange and creepy is the way he did.
26. Water Fairies - It is the provider of food for the plants and the makers of life. They combine beauty with treachery and death. They could be friends or enemies.
Jumat, 18 Desember 2009
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